Moultrie County Heritage
Published Quarterly by the Moultrie County
Historical and Genealogical Society
Sullivan, Illinois
To Contact the Moultrie County History & Genealogy Society,
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Volume 2
November 1974
Number 4
President's Message |
iii |
From the Editor |
iv |
Kaskaskia Reflections - "Marrowbone
Relations" |
89, 90, 91, 92, 93 |
Partial List of Pataraons in Marrowbone Twp. 1881 |
94, 95, 96 |
Schools of Marrowbone Township |
97, 98, 99 |
History of Bethany School |
99, 100, 101 |
Obituary of Amanda Younger |
101 |
Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Church |
102, 103 |
7th Annual Meeting of the Moultrie County Battalion |
104, 105 |
Biography of John Roney |
106, 107 |
John Roney Genealogy |
107, 108 |
Daniel Florey Family |
109 |
Scott State Bank |
110 |
Obituary of Dr. E. A. Pyatt |
111 |
Obituary of W. S. Herman |
112 |
Obituary of Mary Garvin Malloy |
112 |
Genealogical Source Material Check List |
113 |
Orris Lilly Honored by State Society |
114 |
M.C.H.&G. Society Expresses Appreciation |
115 |
Queries |
116, 117 |
Society Merchandise for Sale |
118 |
Sharon Wick's NOTE: The following did NOT appear
on the table of contents page. I am including it purely for the purpose of
giving credit to the Genealogy Society. |
Moultrie County formed in 1843 from parts of Macon and Shelby counties.
*******************************************************************The Moultrie County Heritage Quarterly Editor and Staff do not assume any
responsibility for errors or fact of judgment on the part of the
contributor. Established errors will be corrected at the earliest
The Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society grants permission
for use of quarterly material by other societies if proper credit is given.
The Executive Board of MCH&GS meets the First Tuesday of Each month at
9 a.m. in the Heritage Center Research Library.
Regular Meetings of MCH&GS are held the third Thursday of each month
at 7 p.m. in the Heritage Center with the exception of the Annual Dinner Meeting
held the third Thursday of November at a location determined yearly. No
Regular Meeting is held in December. The general public is always welcome
to attend.
Send address changes to MCH&GS c/o Membership to P.O. Box 588,
Sullivan, IL 61951-0588.
Please keep us informed on your current address including your nine digit zip
Send publication submissions to MCH&GS c/o Editor to P.O. Box 588,
Sullivan, IL 61951-0588.
Please retain originals, send only copies since return cannot be guaranteed.