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I am Sharon Wick.
I hope you enjoyed my web site.  If you have any suggestions please email me at:

I live in Conneaut, Ohio.  Conneaut is on the shore of Lake Erie and on the state line of West Springfield, Pennsylvania.  The population in this town is around 18,000.

The following are a few pictures of  places in and around Conneaut.

The pictures above are taken of the public dock and marinas.  The pictures are taken from the Moose Club.  As you can see on the right there is a portion of the deck at the Moose Club.  It is a wonderful place to be on the 4th of July for the Fireworks display which are exhibited on the lakefront to the left of the public dock.  My husband, Jim, and I usually get a seat on the deck every year so that we can get a good view of the fireworks.  The Moose Club in Conneaut is nearing #1 in the state of Ohio.  The membership is attributed, I am sure, to the newly purchased property on the lakefront.  I am a member and we welcome all Moose members and their guests from everywhere.

The pictures above are of the Pittsburgh & Conneaut Dock Company.  This is to the east of the public dock.  This ore loading dock used to be known as the fastest loading dock on the Great Lakes.  Most of the Huletts have been removed but it still has quite a good business.

The Octagon House pictured above is one of two Octotagon houses in Conneaut that used to be connected with the Underground Railroad.  They still have tunnels below that were used for the passage of  slaves to freedom.  They are a part of the many wonderful old buildings with a  vivid history in in our town.

The picture above is of the Old Kilpi Hall.  It is one of the oldest buildings in Conneaut.  It is used to for the display of art by area artists, various classes such as aerobics, quilting, crafts, etc.  On the lawn, in the summer, the Sweet Adelines sing, and there is various other entertainment where people bring their lawn chairs and enjoy the entertainment and the weather.

The building pictured above to the left is the Courthouse.  It is the original building.  The picture to the right of it is the same building with the new addition of a jail and courtrooms.  We are proud of our Veteran's Memorial that was erected on the Courthouse lawn.

Okay, Okay.... I know the title to this page is entitled ABOUT ME, right?  I am 52 years old and I have been doing Genealogy Research for 18 years.  My husband is a truck driver and I am sure that he gets lonely, at times, even when he is home with me.  This hobby is almost full time.  He is really a wonderful man to put up with me.
Between Jim and I we have 10 children and close to 30 grandchildren.  We love to travel and we love our Harleys.  Last year we went to Illinois on the Harleys and the year before we went to Nova Scotia on his Harley.  The year before we went to Sturgis, South Dakota. ( lonnnnng ride, hahahah)

This is my husband, Jim.  The best thing that has ever happened to me.

Are you ready for this?
Here I am!!!

I will never quite grow up.... As long as I have my computer and my Harley and my husband and our big family, ..... well, life can't get much better than that.

Yours truly,

Sharon Wick
 By the way.....
If you are interested in visiting our fine city, we have lodging at the following places:
Day Street Inn

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